Market Report |

Market Report August

Once again, the prices of vegetable oils appreciated during the last month, with the sole exception of coconut oil, and despite the weakness shown by the energy sector as a result of the COVID situation, which is not fully channeled.

The main reasons that have pushed prices up are:

• critical situation of rapeseed in Canada
• tight palm balance in Asia, mainly in Malaysia
• Sunflower production in Russia will end below expectations.

The attached table shows the prices of the main oils and other reference values and their variation in the last 4 weeks:

In order to better understand these and other points, we invite you to download and continue reading the LIPSA market report that we attach below, where you can find out first-hand about:

1-Evolution of the reference markets
2-Palm Oil (CPO)
3-Lauric Oils (PKO + CNO)
4-Rapeseed Oil (RSO)
5-Soybean Oil (SBO)
6-Sunflower Oil (SFO)