Sustainability |

LIPSA joins the European regulation against deforestation (EUDR)

Sustainability in our operation is one of the pillars of LIPSA and is part of our commitment to preserving the environment and fighting climate change.

Samewise, we have prepared a plan to align ourselves with the European Union Deforestation Regulation  (EUDR). The objective of the EUDR is to minimise deforestation and forest degradation in the countries of the European bloc, and to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions.

The EUDR was published on 9 June 2023, but our commitment to combating deforestation started much earlier. In pursuit of a more sustainable supply chain, we have focused on achieving a 100% deforestation-free verified palm oil supply chain by 2025; the palm is one of our main raw materials.

Efforts to meet EU regulations on deforestation are aligned to our policies: the NDPE policy and the Responsible Sourcing Policy. Together with our partner, the Earthworm Foundation, we are looking for new tools and procedures to develop risk assessments of all our raw material suppliers to assess where potential risk mitigation measures need to be implemented.

You can review our EUDR statement in more detail by clicking on the button above.