
Our path


We continued monitoring our full palm oil supply chain for deforestation using Starling satellite technology. Lipsa is fully aware of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and started working on a Due Diligence approach to cover the EUDR Regulation and align with our Responsible Sourcing Policy and our NDPE Policy. Lipsa was elected to participate in the pilot testing of the EUDR Information System. For coconut oil, we did an initial mapping of our supply chain and have engaged 98% of our global volumes through the Scorecard Assessment conducted by Proforest.


We have monitored with Starling 90% of the volume of total palm volume sourced in 2022 and we have achieved 62% verified free deforestation. We have reinforced our commitment to sustainability and transparency with the publication of our Responsible Supply Policy. We have adopted a specific Sustainable Sourcing Policy for coconut oil and have become a member of the Sustainable Coconut Partnership.


Lipsa initiated the verification of our No Deforestation commitment using Starling, a satellite-based monitoring system provided by Airbus and EarthwormFoundation. The Starling technology is able to receive forest cover change updates in near real time, and to link it with our supply chain data.


Set up a tool to verify and monitor that the labour conditions are respected and not deforestation is caused. Support for transformation activities in the industry. New website to extend the information on sustainability. Compilation of grievances posted on our website.


LIPSA becomes an Earthworm Foundation member.

We update our NDPE policy. We published our 2019-2020 action plan. Fist progress report on our action plan. Non-compliance protocol for our suppliers. Decision tree for cases of deforestation and non-compliance and labour-social issues. Support for transformation activities in Guatemala. List of 2019 GFW mills mapped out on the GFW platform.


We improved our traceability mapping and expanded its scope. We secured the participation of our main suppliers. We became partners of the Earthworm Foundation.


We adopted a NDPE [No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation] policy and created our first action plan. We began to trace up to mills.


First collaboration between LIPSA and Earthworm Foundation, through one of its members, Vandermoortele.


LIPSA obtains the ISCC [International Sustainability and Carbon Certification] certification.


LIPSA obtains the RSPO certification.


LIPSA becomes a member of RSPO [Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil].