Market Report |

Market report

During October the upward trend that began in May continued for all vegetable oils. Production was below expectations, mainly in palm, sunflower and coconut, in addition to a complicated cycle start for soybean in South America, coupled with strong buying interest from China as main reasons.

Nonetheless, during the last days of the month, the deepening of the sanitary crisis affected prices in general. The energy sector was the most affected.

The table below shows the prices of the main oils and their variation in the last month:

In order to better understand these and other points, we invite you to download and continue reading the LIPSA market report that we attach below, where you can see:

1. Evolution of reference markets

2. Biofuels

3. Market balance

4. Palm oil

5. Lauric oils

6. Sunflower oil

7. Soybean oil

8. Rapeseed oil